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Yes, the Arctic wolf migrates.

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6y ago
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12y ago

of course not wolfs dont migrate

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12y ago

Yes,yes they do

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Q: Do Arctic wolves migrate
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What season does an Arctic wolf's migration occur?

I don't think arctic wolves migrate, but I'm not sure. They probably migrate in the autumn or winter. wolves migrate in the winter when they follow the caribou for food

How do wolves eat when they migrate?

Wolves do not migrate nor do they hibernate.

Do Arctic hare migrate?

No, Arctic hares do not migrate.

Do wolves move or migrate during seasons?

No, maned wolves do not hibernate or migrate.

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How does the Arctic fox prepare to migrate?

Arctic foxes do not migrate, hibernate or estivate.

What are young Arctic wolves called?

Young arctic wolves are called pups.

Do Hare migrate?

No, Arctic hares do not migrate.

Do Arctic wolves hunt?

Yes, Arctic wolves hunt. In the wild, Arctic wolves primarily prey on muskoxen and Arctic hares. They have also been found to prey on lemmings , Arctic foxes, birds and beetles.

Do Arctic wolves live in the Arctic?

Yes arctic wolves ( Canis lupus arctos ) and the grey wolf ( Canis lupus ) live in the arctic region.

Are Arctic wolves scientifically known as snow wolves?

No. Arctic wolves are sometimes known as Polar wolf, but the scientific name is Canis Arctos.

Do wolves eat Arctic hares?

No. To recent studies arctic wolves don't exist.