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Q: Do Arctic foxes share their food?
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How do Arctic foxes spend time?

they spend time in the arctic to find food and do other stuff with the other arctic foxes

What does the Arctic fox compete for?

Female arctic foxes and food.

What is the scavenger in an arctic food chain?

Arctic Foxes and scavenger birds

Can Arctic foxes live in the Antarctic?

No, the Antarctic has a very cold climate and has no terrestrial food chain to support Arctic foxes.

Why when lemming populations decline do populations of Arctic foxes also decrease?

When lemming populations decline, Arctic foxes have less food to eat, which leads to a decrease in their population due to lack of food availability. Lemmings are a primary food source for Arctic foxes, so a decline in lemming populations directly affects the foxes' ability to find sufficient food to survive and reproduce.

When lemming populations decline populations of arctic foxes decrease. The limiting factor on the population of arctic foxes is .?

Food availability is a determining factor.

What are people doing to help arctic foxes?

Humans are adopting arctic foxes because the climate that they live in is harsh and hard to hunt for food.

When lemming populations decline populations of Arctic foxes also decrease. The limiting factor on the population of Arctic foxes is?

Food availability is a determining factor.

Can arctic fox die from lack of food?

All living things can die from lack of food, including arctic foxes.

When lemming populations decline populations of Arctic foxes also decrease so what is the limiting factor on the population of Arctic foxes?

Food availability is a determining factor.

What do Arctic foxes eat and how do they get it?

Arctic foxes eat lemmings, voles, and carrion left by polar bears and arctic wolves. They get such food by using their nose and hunting skills, as well as their cunning to get what they need.