

Best Answer

the lar gibbon, kloss gibbon,molach gibbon,millared gibbon, pleated gibbon

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Q: Different types of gibbons
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Related questions

How much do gibbons weigh?

Gibbons reach an average weight of 5.5 kg and a length of 40 to 60 cm. Like all gibbons they are tailless. But sometimes gibbons is some part of different apes, so it may be different weight.

A list of the twelve different types of gibbon monkeys?

12 types of gibbons lar gibbon, kloss gibbon, millard gibbon, pleated gibbon, rare white cheeked gibbon,molach gibbon check the rest your self u lazy people!

Where can you buy gibbon monkey?

Gibbons R Us. Or Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons, If you want an older gibbon you can got to SecondHandGibbon.

What noises does an ape make?

There are lot's of different types of apes and they all make different noises. Apes include chimpanzees, gorillas, gibbons, humans and orang-utans.

Most gibbons live where?

Gibbons are found in the tropical and subtropical rainforests of Southeast Asia, including countries like Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. They are tree-dwelling primates known for their agile movements through the forest canopy.

Do gibbons use their tails?

Gibbons do not have tales

What is the birth name of Blake Gibbons?

Blake Gibbons's birth name is Blake James Gibbons.

What is the birth name of Denis Gibbons?

Denis Gibbons's birth name is Denis Stanley Gibbons.

What is the birth name of Floyd Gibbons?

Floyd Gibbons's birth name is Floyd Phillips Gibbons.

What is the birth name of Leeza Gibbons?

Leeza Gibbons's birth name is Leeza Kim Gibbons.

What is the birth name of Priscilla Gibbons?

Priscilla Gibbons's birth name is Priscilla Ann Gibbons.

What was the outcome of gibbons vs. Ogden?

6 votes for Gibbons and no votes agenst. Gibbons won