What is the difference between the digestive system of a camel and the digestive system of man?
nothing, a fish is slightly smaller
they are both same
the digestive tract refers to the GI or the gastrointestinal tract, which runs from the mouth to the anus. The digestive system refers to the organs related to the digestion of contents that are ingested, and how the foods are digested both mechanically and chemically.
The hippo has a three chambered stomach which slowers the speed of the passage of the food
one is a turtle and the other is straight
no because ours is smaller and theirs is bigger
Tadpoles are herbivores and frogs are insects.
The relation between the circulatory system and the digestive system is that the digestive system makes energy so the energy goes to the heart and that is what makes it pump.
fish have a bladder and a stomach. worms have a crop, gizzard, and intestine.
A system is a group of organs that work together like the digestive system. While a body is a group of systems that work together. You are not just your digestive system but also your musculoskeletal system, urogenital system, endocrine system and nervous systems that work all together.