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She actually had a horse Chariot, so there answered! :)

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Q: Did Cleopatra have a horse chariot or just a horse?
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Related questions

Did Athena and Poseidon collaborated to make a horse drawn chariot?

Most likely yes. As Poseidon made the Horse and Athena the Chariot they together created the horse drawn chariot and it was probably the only thing they did together

What is a good sentence with the word chariot?

I'll see you at the chariot races! I am upgrading to a two-horse chariot.

Where were Olympic chariot races held?

Chariot and horse racing were held in the Hippodrome.

What is a charioteer and his chariot?

A charioteer is a driver of a chariot and a chariot is like a horse and wagon but was primarily used for races in the Colosseum.

How many horse were needed in chariot racing?

1 horse

How do Celts travel?

On foot, or by horse or by chariot!

Who would stand in the chariot?

The charioteer who controlled the chariot and horse(s) and an archer to attack the enemy .

Is there a Chariot scene in Cleopatra?

If you mean the movie, I don't believe there is. However, you may be thinking of the famous chariot race scene in Ben Hur. Hope I helped!

What is the favorite car of a greek mythologist?

a horse and Chariot

What is the term for an ancient horse-drawn vehicle?

The chariot.

What is the abbreviation for chess?


What classical horse riding competitions are there?

chariot racing