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Hills, Water, and Cliff.

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Q: Describe 3 ways to make objects seem distant in a landscape painting?
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Describe two key aspects of quasars?

Bright, distant, powerful, energetic, at the center of the galaxy.

What does a still life painting portrays?

Still Life is anything that is not a portrait or landscape (or seascape). It includes any everyday objects which can include furniture, flowers, fruit, etc.

A sense that makes distant objects magnified?

Special curved lenses are used to make objects larger. It is a sense of scale and perception that makes distant objects magnified.

What is meant by short sightedness?

The inability to see the distant objects is referred to as short sightedness.Short sightedness refer to the inability to see very distant objects.

Why does distant objects appear to shift more than the nearer objects?

Distant objects appear to shift more than nearer objects due to the phenomenon known as parallax. As our viewpoint changes, the angle at which we see distant objects changes more significantly compared to nearer objects, resulting in a greater apparent shift. This effect is commonly observed when viewing objects from a moving vehicle or when comparing the position of objects at different distances.

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What has the author A Salmony written?

A. Salmony has written: 'Carved jade of ancient China' -- subject(s): Jade art objects, Antiquities 'Die chinesische Landschaftsmalerei' -- subject(s): Landscape painting

Name 2 sensory organs that can detect stimuli from distant objects?

The eyes can detect visual stimuli from distant objects while the ears can detect auditory stimuli from distant objects.

What is a device that is used to observe distant objects?

A telescope.

What are distant objects in space called?

Distant objects in space such as galaxies, quasars, and nebulae are commonly referred to as astronomical objects. These objects are typically located far beyond our solar system and can be observed through telescopes and other astronomical instruments.

A painting that shows symbolism shows objects that?

A painting the uses symbolism in objects represent something else. The artist does this on purpose.

What are you if your myopic?

You are short sighted , unable to see distant objects