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Let's look at the question, and the above given answer again shall we? Then we will analyse this thoroughly and we should come to a firm conclusion.


Q: Could Monkeys take over the world?

A: no. they can only survive either in jungles and hot climates. except of course, the Japanese snow monkeys which take the edge off winter by bathing in natural hot springs.

OK Now the facts.

The first point to make is that technically through evolution, we are direct descendants of early primates and as humans we have remarkable genetic similarities to that of a modern day Chimpanzee. Some people even display exact levels of intelligence and communication (although basic to human standards) and behave in much the same way as the Chimpanzee.

What I am getting at with the above point, is that monkeys (although very very indirectly, and through evolutionary methods) have already taken over the world. Better still, our own cruel ways have even managed to destroy mother Earth and strip it of all its beauty and resources and render many species of animal and plant extinct. As an additional bonus, we human beings have also mocked the modern day primates/ apes, and even pretty much rendered these poor creatures into a threatened status due to destruction of their natural habitat. In short we are killing our own direct ancestors and the key link between modern man and the ape.

Now the second part to this topic is fairly easy, and it concludes from the above paragraph.

In short mother nature has evolved humans into a powerful and highly adaptable weapon of destruction; meaning we have conquered almost every region on Earth and some even speculate that humans have been into space (although this is probably BS). OK so the point I am making is that if and when humans either die out from some kind of natural or self destructive phenomenon; something, depending on the cause of our downfall, must take our place.

As all marine wildlife is technically the oldest forms of life on Earth, they would have to evolve and breed at a massive rate to stand any chance of making a bid for the kingdom of Earth.

Birds, like all reptiles have managed to dominate the Earth at least twice that we know of; one of these being the atypical dinosaur that we are all familiar with. However, yet again; there is a reason why birds could be threatened, ad this is because of mammals. Foxes, bears, lions, tigers and MONKEYS are all mammals, and all of the fore-mentioned will kill and eat reptiles for the need to survive. Birds and reptiles will also need to develop a closer understanding and bond to humans as so they can pick up the pieces of what we left behind. Domestic pets like cats and dogs could in theory make use of our food resources and resort to natural scavenging to survive from what we left, but however; they cannot and have not been demonstrated to use complex thought or problem solving; and domestic pets that I know of, CANNOT USE TOOLS.

Now the juicy part.

Monkeys in my eyes WILL be next in line I think, and the reasons for this are plain to see; but this is depending on other variables. OK so for example if we killed all of the Monkeys' habitat and the Monkey became extinct or severely endangered at the point we died out, then obviously this is a no-go for the ape, and this question would have no need of even being asked in the first place.

However, on the pretext that humans suddenly vanished within the next year or so, then Monkeys could be the best candidates. The reason for this is simple...

Monkeys, and especially the conventional Chimpanzee, can and do have the ability to make and use tools. Chimpanzees have even been observed making and using spears and various other hand tools for catching and killing prey and getting at fruit on trees.

Monkeys are successful breeders and also their family hierarchical structures will ensure only the fittest and strongest will breed within their group; in addition to this, their levels of communication make them aware to their surroundings; meaning natural predators cannot get close to kill them because primates use a series of "noises and calls" to alert other members of a threat.

OK there was a point made in another answer that monkeys cannot survive the cold. Wrong!!! They can survive weather patterns within the United Kingdom, and this country is not regarded as part of their natural habitat, but at Monkey World, successful breeding patterns are in place, and as such the primates have been able to adapt to the climate. In any event, with the global mean temperature on the rise, anywhere North of Morocco will probably end up turning into wet tropical regions before the end of the next century, and this is for the record, monkey territory.

Providing the primates can adapt to use complex tools, and even deal with sourcing food reserves from buildings and dis-used shops and even from bins, and behind locked doors, then I see absolutely no reason why Monkeys will not take over the world in their direct form. For the record, Monkeys are not only powerful, but they have complex brain patterns and can actually learn at rates far superior to that of human beings. So in theory if taught, a Monkey could operate power tools, and an experiment was conducted where a Chimpanzee actually managed to perform basic pre-selected and set tasks on a conventional computer system.


I think personally, YES conventional modern Monkeys can and probably will take over the world... They might even do a better job at it than we did. Lets just hope a delinquent juvenile ape does not stumble across a nuclear missile launch site and for one reason or another, start a launch sequence that kills the world.

Who knows, they might even re-develop our systems, tools and methods and actually create something far more productive and ecologically friendly than the methods we humans swear by.

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13y ago
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12y ago

If you believe in evolution, they(we) already have.

If you believe in The Bible, only in the movies.

Another perspective

Humans and chimps share a common ancestor, so the above statement is not totally correct. But to answer the question, no, chimps could never take over the world. Although they are far stronger than humans, chimps do not have the intelligence required to unite, plan, and implement a full scale attack on humans. Most importantly, they do not have the numbers. Chimps are outnumbered by humans 35,000 to 1. There are 7 billion humans and roughly only 200,000 chimps in the wild. In addition, even if their population was significantly higher, they lack the technological capacity to compete with human weapons. Brute strength, rocks, and sticks can't compete with machine guns, tanks, jet fighters, and nuclear bombs.

For more about Chimps and their numbers, see the article "Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes" on Primate Info Net.

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14y ago

Yes monkeys could definitely rule the world if the humans were destroyed and they had the land to themselves. They are the next most intelligent land creature and would definitely take over

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14y ago

he cud be ur bff because apparently u have da same brain like himm!!

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14y ago

In 2012 they will save the world and we will worship them. When they feel like it.l

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13y ago

It would be a lot like the Planet of the Apes it the apes could talk. I don't really think that apes would take over the world. Have you given any thought to Big Foot?

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No, but the Zombies will.

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