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Q: Could a dog kill a moose?
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Can a bull moose kill a bobcat?

Yes. A bull moose could even kill a grizzly bear.

Can a kodiak bear kill a moose?

Yes, if the kodiak bear avoided the moose's hooves and antlers (if it is a bull moose). Even a grizzly bear or an alaskan brown bear could kill a bull moose, but not when it is on the rut.

Can a regular moose kill a bobcat?

No,A bull moose is the only moose that can kill a Bobcat.

Can a polar bear kill a moose?

It is highly unlike that a polar bear would even get a chance to kill a moose because these animals live in two entirely different biomes. You would not see a polar bear in the boreal or transition-boreal forests, nor would you find a moose in the arctic near the coastline. For that reason, no a polar bear would not nor could not kill a moose. However, as far as human-ability to be very imaginative, it is likely that a polar bear could kill a moose.

Can a bull moose kill a python?

No, a python can kill a moose with its bite. It can get infected.

Can a moose eat a dog?

No. Moose are herbivores.

Can a lone wolf kill a moose?

No, unless the moose is too weak to fight or in a situation that it is vulnerable to that wolf. A lone wolf could kill an unguarded young moose. A moose will use its hooves to strike out at the wolf, and antlers if the bull still has them to defend himself. A pack of wolves have a much better chance of killing a moose than a lone wolf does.

Does a reindeer have a nose like a dog or a moose?

a moose

Can a Canadian lynx kill a moose?

It is extremely unlikely but if the moose was sick or injured then there could be a small chance that an adult Lynx could kill a moose. Lynx mainly hunt smaller animals such as fish, rodents, rabbits, and birds. The larger prey they will hunt are deer, skunk, fox, and even domestic dogs and cats.

Can a bull elephant on the rut kill a moose?

Yes, a bull elephant can easily kill a moose.

Can a moose kill a wolf?

It is possible for a moose to kill a wolf in self-defense, especially if the moose feels threatened or cornered. Moose are known to be aggressive and can use their size and strength to defend against predators like wolves.

Would a moose kill a hawk?

Only if the moose caught it with its antlers.