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Yes, dogs drool, although the amount will depend upon the breed and the individual's dog mouth conformation. In generation, terrier-type breeds (German Shorthair, Jack Russell, Boston, etc.) tend to drool less while the thick-coated herding breeds (St. Bernard, etc.) tend to drool a great deal.

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13y ago
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10y ago

If you have a large breed dog with droopy jowls it is common for them to drool, but usually only with moderate or heavy activity, or after they drink. Excessive drooling is also a sign of stress in dogs, so you need to evaluate the situation in order to decipher what the cause is.

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15y ago

Apit bull mostly any dog that is bad or dangerous dogs are the most who drool alot

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Drooling in dogs can be due to various reasons such as excitement, stress, anticipation of food, or even a medical issue like dental problems, mouth sores, or nausea. If it's a sudden change in behavior, it's best to monitor your dog and consult a veterinarian if the drooling persists or is accompanied by other symptoms.

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They're hungry, bored, thirsty or just tired.

What is the meaning of drooling?

Drooling can mean your dog is trying to cool off, or your dog is nervous, or your dog is sick. Also, some dogs drool naturally (for example, bull dogs and Newfoundland dogs).Cats can drool when they're happy or when they are sick.

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This Sounds like a Seizure, maybe caused by the cold. keep a close eye on him if it lasts more than 5 minutes call your vet

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Yes, excessive salivation and licking or drooling is one symptom of nausea in dogs.

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What can you get to stop the brown dripping from a dogs eyes?

maybe maybe not

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Dogs foam at the mouth when they have rabies because the virus travels through the body and into the saliva glands. Once there the virus infects the cells and begins to replicate, the excess of saliva producing cells causes the dog to salivate more than usual, thus the dog foams at the mouth. The virus is also secreted in the saliva, thereby successfully spreading it.

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Yucca should be avoided. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, seizures, depression.

Can a dogs mouth be clean if they lick you in the mouth?

No. A dogs mouth is full of germs. Think about where they lick and what they eat. Bacteria can be transferred to your mouth when doing this.

What causes excessive drooling in dogs?

usually it could be the breed of the dog or that the dogs teeth are coming in,excietment, the breeds that drool alot are usually st. bernards, mastiff,pug, bulldog, bloodhounds, basset hounds, mostly if there mouth sides are very droopy they are more likely to drool exsesivly

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