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Apes are old world primates (in Asia, Africa, and Europe). Monkeys are primarily in the new world (North and South America)>

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Q: Chimpanzees and australopithecines
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Australopithecines can be distinguished from robust Australopithecines by?

Australopithecines can be distinguished from robust Australopithecines by their smaller size and more gracile (slender) jaw and teeth. Robust Australopithecines, on the other hand, have larger bodies, more robust skull features, and large, thickly enameled molars for chewing tough vegetation.

Why did the Gorillas and chimps survive but the Australopithecines not?

Gorillas and chimps weren't around when the Australopithecines was

Did australopithecines farmed?


Did the Australopithecines have religion?

The Australopithecines did not have religion or ceremonies. The earliest evidence for brain development sufficient to allow symbolic behaviour and these kind of behaviours is associated with Neanderthal which appeared 600,000 years after the last Australopithecines disappeared.

Homo erectus co-existed with what australopithecines?

Homo erectus coexisted with several species of australopithecines including Australopithecus afarensis, Australopithecus africanus, and possibly Australopithecus garhi. These australopithecines lived before the appearance of Homo erectus and were part of the evolutionary lineage that eventually led to humans.

What did Australopithecines invent?

they didnt invent anything

Are chimpanzees invertebrates or vertebrates?

Chimpanzees are mammals. Because of that, they have a backbone. Therefore, Chimpanzees are vertebrates.

What languages were spoken by the Australopithecines?

It's commonly thought that Australopithecines had no language ability. But even if they did, we would have no way of knowing anything about it, since it would not have been written.

Which appeared on Earth first Neanderthals Homo habilis Homo sapiens Australopithecines?

Australopithecines appeared on Earth before Homo habilis, Neanderthals, and Homo sapiens.

What did australopithecines?

Australopithecus didn't wear any clothes

What is the plural of Australopithecus?

The plural form of Australopithecus is Australopithecines.

What do chimpanzees have in their environment?

what is an an environment of an chimpanzees