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Yes, a small amount of baby shampoo will be fine. Make certain to rinse well. Your animal will appreciate it if you don't get it's nose or mouth wet with shampoo. Enjoy!

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14y ago

I would advise you to buy some special guinnea pig shampoo from a pet shop or vets just to be sure that you are using the right thing. Guinnea pigs may be more sensitive than dogs are.

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Q: Can you use dog shampoo while you give a guinea pig a bath?
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Can you use critter shampoo to give guinea pigs a bath?

only if guinea pigs are considered ''critters''

Can you give guinea pigs a bath without any special shampoo?

Yes, you can give guinea pigs a bath using just warm water. It's important to ensure the water is not too hot and to thoroughly dry them afterward to prevent them from getting cold. Avoid using regular shampoo or soap since their delicate skin is sensitive and can easily dry out.

Can you give guinea pigs a dry bath?

do not bath your guinea pigs ever! only bath them with special washing shampoo from wilkinsons, even if you get that its only if your guinea pigs are really dirty. It will have writing on the back to read or get special shampoo from ebay or a pets shop.

How do you get fleas off of a guinea pig?

you get some medacation or give it a bath with flea shampoo

Can you give your guinea pig a bath with regular shampoo?

When bathing your guinea pig, you should be careful to always use the proper animal shampoo from a vet or pet store. Human shampoo can be harmful to the animal.

Are guinea pigs odourless?

Most of the time guinea pigs don't have an odour as long as you clean their cage often. If they are still stinky, you can always give them a bath. If you want to give then a bath you should either use bunny, kitten or ferret shampoo, dog shampoo is too strong and natural shampoo is the best for them.

Can you give a guinea pig a bath with people shampoo?

yes as long as you avoid harsh soaps , i use dallor store baby soap and make sure the guinea pig doesnt' ingest it or get it in his or her eyes

What do you need to give a guinea pig a shower?

I you wish to give your guinea pig a bath or shower you, will need the following items. A large jug filled with lukewarm water, a basin/bucket/bath tub, a towel, and some shampoo/conditioner/soap. OPTIONAL: you could have some treats for your guinea pig :P To bathe your guinea pig, place him in the bath and pour the water over him. massage in the shampoo if you are using any. Wash the shampoo out using more water. Repeat the process if you want to use conditioner. Give your guinea pig rewards throughout the process. When your guinea pig is clean, take him out of the bath and dry him throughly with a towel. Do not use a hair dryer, as this will scare your guinea pig. Allow him to air dry in his hutch. I hope this was helpful! :)

Can you use mild shampoo to give your guinea pig a bath?

I prefer to use a special shampoo for small animals think it is by Johnson and Johnson the one i use it is very mild and safe to use on guinea pigs. never use human, dog or cat shampoos on guinea pigs.

Can you give your guinea pig a bath in dawn dish soap to get rid of mites?

No, ypu cant give your gunie pigs dish soap. Give them baby jonhson shampoo so it doesnt hurt their eyes.

What soap is best used for guinea pigs to keep them clean and for there hair?

Any guinea pig shampoo should be fine for your guinea pig but you might want to ask your vet, an employee at a pet store, or friends with guinea pigs.

Ive just got a baby guinea pig should i give him a bath?

Guinea pigs shouldn't be bathed too often but you can buy a small animal shampoo from a pet supply store and bathe them in a sink with warm water.