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obviously not they have fur and skin.


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Q: Can you see a hamsters bladder?
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Related questions

What disisease can hamsters get?

The most common hamster illness is wet tail, but hamsters can also get bladder stones, cancer, abscesses (infected wounds), Salmonellosis, Rabies, and Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis.

Do hamsters see full colour or just black and white?

Hamsters see in black in white because they do not have a cornia in there eyes. Do not put them in sunlight they will be blind. Color blind are hamsters.

Do hamsters have long tales?

no, hamsters tails are quite small and sometimes difficult to see.

Can hamsters see couler?


Do hamsters see with their eyes?

Yes, they do. That is why they have them.

Are hamsters asexual?

yes, you may see a small spike coming from a male hamsters we-we. They also can get wet dreams.

Can hamsters see past their nose?

Yes, they can.

Do hamsters see?

Yes. That's what they have eyes for.

Do hamsters have great eye site?

no hamsters DO NOT have good eye site there use there whiskers to move and see better PS hamsters do not have eye bolls on the whiskers!!

What is using a scope to see the bladder?


Do hamsters see only orange and green?

no, they can also see the colour toast

Do black bear hamsters see in color?

No, they are colorblind.