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Yes but it will depend on the acreage of the farm and the number and breed of stock you have.

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Q: Can you raise goats sheep and alpacas on the same farm and make money?
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What kind of livestock did Chile raise?

Goats, sheep, llamas, alpacas, chickens, etc.

What animals can goats live with?

Sheep, donkeys. horses, alpacas and llamas

What animals do Greeks raise?

goats and sheep

Can you make more money with alpacas or sheep?


What is the difference between cattle ranchers and sheep and goat ranching?

Cattle ranchers raise cattle, and sheep/goat farmers raise sheep and goats.

What kind of livestock does japan raise?

Goats and sheep mostly.

What is kept in corral?

Livestock like cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, goats, llamas, alpacas, donkeys, fowl, etc.

What kind of animals did the Phoenicians raise?

Sheep, goats, poulty, donkeys.

Wool yielding animals?

Llamas, alpacas, Vicunas, guanacos, sheep, cashmere goats and cashmere rabbits can give wool. Llamas, alpacas, Vicunas and guanacos have very little lanolin in their wool so those who are allergic to sheep's wool, can typically wear lama wool.

What animals besides sheep provide wool?

Sheep are the only animal to provide wool - other animals do provide fibre - Angora goats provide mohair and Cashmere goats provide cashmere also llamas and alpacas.

Which animal produces wool?

Wool is the textile fiber obtained from the fleece of many animals including sheep, goats, lambs, camels, yak, rabbits, alpacas, vicuna and llamas.

Are alpacas considered livestock?

Yes, most alpacas will be just fine in a pasture with other herbivores (horses, cattle, sheep, goats). However, if you have two or more alpacas, you'll likely find they form a herd by themselves and do not associate much with the other animals in the pasture.