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Vanilla is too concentrated and strong for a rabbit. You shouldn't give your bunny any oils, dried spices/herbs, extracts, flavourings, seasonings, or anything like that. It isn't natural or healthy for rabbits to eat or drink them, and it could lead to a bad health reaction.

Putting vanilla in the water won't help with the urine smell, anyway. The smell comes from two things (mainly): hormones in your rabbit's body, especially if your bunny isn't spayed or neutered; and ammonia, which starts to grow once it leaves the rabbit's body.

The only thing you can do to to help with the urine smell is to keep the rabbit's litter and habitat clean. Scoop out soiled litter every day, and scrub down all surfaces as needed (depends on your rabbit's behaviour - maybe as often as once a month, but at least once a year).

If your rabbit is dehydrated, or sick, that could make the smell worse. Look for other signs of ill health, and consider bringing your bunny to the vet.

See the related questions below for more info.

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Q: Can you put vanilla in the rabbit's water to help with the urine smell?
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yes you can by pooping with it to smell more like poo wow.... that is probably the worst answer ever.... but anyways please disregard the answer given by the idiot above me. but if you want to lessen the smell of urine, you have to drink more water. As you drink more, it lessens and dilutes the original smell of your urine. if All you have been drinking was water, when you urinate, there will be NO smell. as you drink and eat other things, it actually adds the ' smell' to your urine. :D

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"Yes some women have found that when they are pregnant their urine becomes darker and can smell stronger than usual. There a few potential causes of this. Pregnant women tend to have a greater sense of smell and taste so if they may be able to better smell their own urine, even though it actually hasn't changed. Some women believe that they can smell the hormone that is produced and released into urine. That hormone is called the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), but it is unknown if women can actually smell the hormone or if they are just smelling stronger urine, or as mentioned above, smelling more of their regular urine. Another reason your urine may smell stronger is because you need more water than you are usually drinking. Pregnancy requires more hydration than you may usually need, not only does the baby need water but the embryonic fluid that surrounds the baby has to some from somewhere. The more water you drink the more water will be released into urine, diluting it and thus reducing the smell. If you drink less water, or require more water due to pregnancy, or even because you are exercising more, then your urine will smell more like ammonia then is may normally. While stronger smelling urine can be a sign of pregnancy, it is not a useful test. Visit your doctor for a blood test, or try a home pregnancy test. Take the home pregnancy test in the morning when the level of hCG is higher in your urine as home pregnancy tests test for this hormone."

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Your urine shouldn't have a really noticeable smell to it. Are you sure it's a bleach smell...possibly an ammonia smell? If so maybe you should drink a whole lot more water to dilute it and if you drink sodas maybe lay off of them for a while. You can get bad bladder infections if your urine is too strong. I know water is not very yummy though! Lol

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