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yes,you can. and tissue paper or kitchen paper makes great bedding for hamsters, mine loves it.

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not sure about soil i just put saw dust in (the pet kind) its easy to clean and soaks up waste products

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Q: Can you put soil in your hamsters cage?
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Can teddybear and blackbear hamsters live in the same cage?

Well, hamsters really should not be put in a cage with other hamsters as they fight with each other

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Ho many hamsters to a cage?

It is recommended to have only one hamster per cage to prevent territorial disputes and fighting. Hamsters are solitary animals that prefer to live alone, so it is best to provide each hamster with their own space and resources in their cage.

Why is it not required to join two newly bought hamsters in one cage?

Hamsters are solitary creatures, they will fight if you put them together in one cage.

Can you put teddy bear hamsters in the same cage without fighting?

No, syrian hamsters are solitary, and will fight if put together.

Where can you get hamsters leads?

you shouldn't put hamsters on leads you should leave them in a cage or let them out in there ball.

Is it necessary to put bedding in a hamsters cage?

yes, definitely

There is 2 female hamsters at the pet store and I want both of them Can I keep them in the same cage?

No because if you put them in the same cage they will fight with each other. It is best if you keep one in each cage. Unless they are dwarf hamsters. Than you can put them in the same cage.

How many dwarf hamsters can you keep in one cage?

You can keep a maximum of two dwarf hamsters in one cage to prevent territorial issues and ensure they have enough space to move around comfortably. It's important to provide plenty of hiding spots, toys, and multiple food and water sources to reduce competition and stress among the hamsters. Regular monitoring of their behavior and health is essential when housing multiple hamsters together.

Can you put two syrian hamsters in the same cage Should you get another one of the same sex or opposite?

Syrian hamsters should never be put in the same cage- they will fight , sometimes till the death. If you want to breed them, you should ask a breeder or pet shop etc., never just put two hamsters of the opposite sex in the same cage.

Can you put to hamsters in a cage?

Yes you can, and some hamsters need to live in pairs. However, syrian hamsters are very territorial and need to live alone.

Should you put two dwarf hamsters in the same cage?

If they are Roborofskis or Winter Whites, then the answer is a definite yes. These dwarf hamsters are very social, and require the company of at least one of their own kind. However, do not put two different species of dwarf hamsters in the same cage. They will fight. Also, unless you intend to breed, only put hamsters of the same gender in one cage, or else you'll have a hamster population explosion!Also, do not put a Syrian with a dwarf hamster.