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According to, you should wet a washcloth with warm water and soak the dried blood,etc. around the wound (do NOT rub or scrub!!) After about ten minutes of soaking the stiches, you should use a q-tip with hot water to gently clean the stitches, and follow up by putting Betadine (over-the-counter) on the wound and letting it air-dry (blowing on it can cause bacteria transfer)

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I've been putting a&d ointment on my dogs ears to help with the flies constant gnawing and it helps

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Q: Can you put ointment on dog stitches?
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Can you put antibiotic ointment on a flesh wound?

Antibiotic ointment can be put on some flesh wounds. It can help to reduce the risk of infection. Antibiotic ointment should not be used on flesh wounds that are deep and require stitches.

What is the aftercare for a skin biopsy?

If stitches have been placed, they should be kept clean and dry until removed. Stitches are usually removed five to 10 days after the biopsy. Sometimes the patient is instructed to put protective ointment on the stitches before showering.

Can dogs get stitches without anesthesia?

No. Administering stitches to a dog is a painful process and the dog might react violently due to the pain if the vet tries to put on stitches without sedating him. So it is best to sedate the dog before trying to sew him up.

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Antibacterial ointment.

Is there anything safe you can put on the stiff stitches after spaying to keep them from sticking to the dog's skin?

Sometimes when the vet has spayed the dog they can often end the stitching (a knot) leaving a piece of the stitch too long that can dig into the dog's belly. Either you can cut off the extra or take the dog back to the vet (there should be no additional cost for this) and have them check the stitches out. Stitches don't stick to the skin, but are sewn in. The vet would have told you when to bring the dog back to have the stitches removed. If the wound looks good and the dog is irritated by the stitches (each dog, just like a human can heal quickly or slowly) perhaps it's time for the dog to have the stitches out. See your vet right away!

Can you put ointment on your dog after it got hit by a car?

"Ointment" is pretty vague. It's generally a bad idea to put topical treatments such as ointments on animals, because they don't know they aren't supposed to lick them off. Take your dog to a vet, then follow the vet's advice.

Why does your dog smell like ointment?

because it is ointment LOL

Is it harmful to a dog to eat otibiotic ointment?

IIs ir harmful to a dog to et Otibiotic ointment

What human ointment can you use for your dog that is similar to panalog for dogs?

What human ointment can be substuted for panalog ointment.

What is a sentence for ointment?

He put some ointment on his sunburn.

How do you stop a cat from licking stitches after spaying?

You can get your pet a cone for around$10-$15, it will prevent dog from licking stitches. (My dog licked her stitches and got 4 staples with no anesthesia)

Can you use the word ointment in a sentence?

She put ointment on her rash.