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Yes, but if the neutering is being done to curb aggression, the aggression must be addressed prior to neutering. If it is not, the aggression will most likely remain.

(*This is true for all mane dogs, not just the husky.*)

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14y ago
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14y ago

Yes, you can neuter a dog at any age. but its not good to do it when they are under 7 weeks. If they are any older than I think its alright.

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Q: Can you neuter a full grown dog?
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NO! You have to spay or neuter.

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Don't let your dog mate or neuter/spay your dog.

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Well, first it's a puppy, then it becomes a full grown dog, and years or months later it will die.

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It depends on the specific breed and size of the pig and dog. Generally, domestic pigs are larger and heavier than dogs. However, there are some large dog breeds that can weigh more than certain breeds of pigs.

What weighs 2000 lbs?

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