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Yes specially if they are inside.Just make sure they are in a clean warm quiet place.

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Q: Can you move a dog and her new puppies?
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Why won't my dog pick up and move her puppies?

My dog is having the same problem, luckily we have another dog who tends to take care of the first dog's puppies, but still, why won't she pick up her own puppies?? The bigger dog takes care of the smaller dog's puppies.... the smaller one has never picked up her puppies...

In what part of the body are puppies carried?

Puppies are carried in the middle abdomen of a female dog. After the puppies are born, the mother will move the puppies by carrying them by their necks.

Is it ok for your dog to lay on her puppies will she suffocate them?

No it is not ok for a female dog to lay on her puppies. It could lead to suffication, or if they are very young puppies, which are very fragile, it could break their bones. You should make your dog get up and move the pups out of the way.

Can dog make new born puppies in nintendogs?

no....I wish

What week will you be able to feel puppies move in stomach?

You will feel the puppies move around week seven out of nine weeks. They don't move that often but you can fee them move. It also depends on the breed of dog you have, and also how big your female is.

What to do for a dog bite on a new born puppies nose?

Vet. Immediately.

Can a dog lactate if another dog has puppies?

probably not. only if that dog has puppies.

When you adopt a dog from a shelter can it have puppies?

it best not to have puppies with a dog from a dog shelter

Where can I purchase white German shepherd puppies in New York?

White German Shepherd puppies can be bought on the website germanshepherd and highlandergermanshepherd. They will then deliver your new dog in New York.

What is Ashley Tisdale new puppies name?

Her dog is a malti-poo and her name is Mao

Why don't puppies talk?

they are puppies, dog gone it!

What is a dog's offspring called?

pups, or puppies