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Idon't know but i have a male hare and rabbit in the same cage well see , i know one thing they say together

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Q: Can you mate hares with rabbits?
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What is the Collective noun for rabbits and hares?

The collective nouns for rabbits are: bury of rabbits colony of rabbits down of rabbits drove of rabbits husk of rabbits leash of rabbits trace of rabbits trip of rabbits warren of rabbits nest of rabbits (young) wrack of rabbits (young) And for hares: drove of hares down of hares husk of hares leash of hares trace of hares trip of hares warren of hares I hope this is useful!

What are cousins to rabbits and hares?

Cousins to rabbits and hares are animals in the same family (Leporidae), such as pikas. Pikas are small mammals that resemble rabbits but are more closely related to hares.

What is the scientific name for the Rabbits hares pikas?

Rabbits, hares, and pikas are known as Lagomorphs.

Are hares ancestors of rabbits?

No. Rabbits and hares were found about 53 million years ago

Will rabbits and hares eat the same things?

Of course, rabbits and hares are in the same family of Legamorphs.

Why do your 2 rabbits fight?

nice rabbits and hares

What specific animals are related to rabbits?

Bunnies and hares. All hares and rabbits probably descend from a single pair.

Are rabbits simular to hairs?

Rabbits are similar to hares, but rabbits are born furless and with their eyes closed, and they cannot move for a few days. Hares are born fully furred with their eyes open, and can run a few hours after birth. Hares also have larger ears and powerful hind legs.

What are synonyms of rabbits?

Hares, bunnies.

Are Jack Rabbits hares?

Yes they are

What is the sister group to rabbits?


What do we mean by hares?

nothing rabbits