It is not recommended to give dogs Epsom salts orally, as it can cause digestive upset and other complications. If your dog needs a bath, you can use a diluted Epsom salt solution for skin issues like itching or inflammation, but be sure to consult with your vet first.
It is a kennel or kennels.
Yes, kennel cough in dogs is highly contagious to other dogs.
No, Dalmatians are pedigree dogs that are recognized by reputable kennel clubs, such as The Kennel Club and the American Kennel Club.
As children whenever we had conjunctivitis mother mixed up Epsom Salts in tepid water to bath our eyes. I have used this eye wash on my dogs when they have had sore eyes. I use pre-boiled water that has cooled then add ½ teaspoon Epsom salts to 1 cup water. I then drizzle the wash over the eyeball. You must be very careful to make sure the water is of good quality and is sterile by boiling it and then letting it cool. Alternatively make a saline mix using normal table salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon to 1 litre of boiled, cooled water to fluch the eye.
A populous kennel refers to a kennel that houses a large number of dogs. It is a place where multiple dogs are kept and cared for, often by professional breeders or dog trainers. Keeping a large population of dogs in a kennel requires responsible management to ensure their health and well-being.
No,A kennel is what dogs sleep in if not in your cupboard or sumthin LOL
Yes, Bernese Mountain Dogs are recognised by the Canadian Kennel Club and are in the Working Dogs group.
No. Dogs cannot get The flu but they do get the kennel cough. Kennel cough is basiclly a doggie cold/flu. Hope this helped:)
Its about letting dogs out of the kennel. Ever watch Hotel For Dogs?