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Yes, but not together. Chinchillas require very different environments to guinea pigs.

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Q: Can you keep chincillas and guinea pigs?
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Related questions

Who are one of the guinea pigs relatives?

Chincillas. They were named after spanish invaders invaded a tribe called the chinca clan and found furry creatures. They named them chinchilla which means little chincha.

How do you get guinea pigs to realize other guinea pigs are male?

your guinea pigs should already know the others male.if you want to breed then keep them alone for a while.

What are some good things to keep in a guinea pig cage?

guinea pigs

Where do you keep Guinea pigs in your home?

inside the house

Will your nocturnal hamster keep your guinea pigs awake at night if the hamster cage is on top of the guinea pigs' cage?

Guinea pigs only sleep for about 6 minutes a day, unless your hamster runs around 24/7 it wont keep them up.

How long do you keep male guinea pigs with female guinea pigs?

Roughly 8-10 weeks. then the males want to breed with the females. And about 65/75 days you'll your baby guinea pigs.

Can you keep guinea pigs outdoors all year round?


What is the best companion for a guenia pig?

Another guinea pig of the same gender. Guinea pigs are social creatures that get lonley if kept on their own. Most people choose to keep female guinea pigs in groups as you can have problems with boars (male guinea pigs) fighting. You can of course keep two or more guinea pigs of the opposite gender but unless you want baby piggies it's not a good idea. Hope it helped.

Can some guinea pigs not get pregnant?

It's true some guinea pigs can't get pregnant. Only if you don't keep her in a cage without any boys!

Why sailors are the reason for guinea pigs popularity?

The first people to keep guinea pigs as pets were sailor's. They brought them to Europe from south America. (Which was perhaps confused with Guinea, in Africa). These little animals were called guinea pigs because of the squeaking, pig-like noises they make.MJC

Can guinea pigs chew crabapple wood?

No, it is not safe for guinea pigs to chew on crabapple wood. The wood is toxic to small animals like guinea pigs and can cause harm if ingested. It's best to provide safe chew toys made specifically for guinea pigs to keep their teeth healthy and occupied.

Do do guinea pigs need to be alerted?

No. You can keep the sexes apart to keep them from breeding unwanted babies.