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yeah u can hunt bears with dog's.U know why?Because dogs got good scents of smell to find u wat u need.

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Q: Can you hunt bears with a dog?
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What breed of large dog was used in roman times to hunt bears?

The neapolitan mastiff and cane corso are two large mastiffs used to hunt brown bears.

What dog is used to hunt and kill grizzly bears?

They use multiple hounds to kill a grizzly bear.

What do polar bears hunt most?

Polor bears hunt seals the most

Do female polar bears help hunt?

No, they hunt themselves, they don't hunt for anyone or help other polar bears hunt, except for their cubs.

Do bears haVE ANY predators?

Brown bears hunt black bears.

When did they make it illegal to hunt polar bears?

It's cruel to hunt Polar bears so it was never allowed

What do brown bears hunt?

they hunt for fish such as salmon and tuna

Do bears have to learn to hunt?

no,they inherit it by watching their parents hunt

Did the Blackfoot tribe hunt?

They normally hunt deer or bears.

Do they hunt together?

Lions, hyenas, and wolves hunt together. Bears hunt alone.

Why are polar bears hunted by farmers?

farmers do not hunt polar bears

Do black bears hunt?

yes they do