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no as you would need a male to get the female pregnant but you should never keep 2 females together unless you know they will not fight.

Never keep rabbits together, they will fight as they are very territorial. They will eventually fight AND it will be ugly.

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13y ago
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13y ago

No, every rabbit should have it's own cage, especially a pregnant one. Does are very territorial and a pregnant doe gets even more territorial as she knows she is fixing to increase the rabbit population in her area.

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12y ago

Yes, two female rabbits can live together but they must be "bonded" first. When rabbits are bonded, this means they love each other and can be trusted not to fight. You must never let rabbits fight: a small injury can lead to a huge abscess; also, it's psychologically traumatic for the rabbits. You can't just put two rabbits together and expect them to bond. The first step to bonding rabbits is to spay/neuter them. See the related question below for more details and helpful links.

It is better to get 2 female rabbits than to get 2 male rabbits because male rabbits usually fight.

One person writes: If you only want 1 rabbit then it is best to get a boy, because they are often friendlier, but you should de-sex/neuter it when it is about 5-6 months old otherwise it will start to hump and spray things.

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13y ago

not unless you want to have one rabbit left over from the incident.

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Charles Zipper

Lvl 1
1y ago
We just had 3 mama rabbits birth into one nest. Its only day 3, but everyting is going fine right now. If any one has any experice with this, please let us know so we can learn from you before we repeat a bad thing.

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15y ago

No, you need a boy rabbit and a girl rabbit in order to have babies.

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12y ago

You can have to female rabbits they won't fight only as long as you won't add a boy in the cage!

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8y ago

i would think so if they don't maul eachother

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Q: Can you have two female rabbits living together?
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Can two male rabbits have babies together?

It is usually not advised to keep two male rabbits together, especially if there are females nearby. However, if the pair are acquired together as youngsters, like littermates, and neutered before they reach sexual maturity, the chances for successful cohabitation greatly increases.

What are the playful signs of two female rabbits playing?

Two females play together much in the same way that all rabbits play together. If rabbits are fighting, you should separate them. If rabbits are playing happily, then they are probably "bonded." See the related questions below for details.

Will two female rabbits kill each others baby's as i have two female rabbits in together and both are pregnant and one is already delivering?

No seperate them most likely they will kill each other or each others babies.

Is it better to have 2 female rabbits together or 2 males?

It is generally best to have one male and one female rabbit together to avoid potential aggressive behavior that can occur between two males or two females. If not planning to breed the rabbits, it is essential to have them spayed or neutered to prevent unwanted litters.

Do female guinea get along?

Yes they do, I have two females and most of my friends have two female guinea pigs. I think they like living together.

Do female rabbits get along with other female rabbits?

Female rabbits can get along with other female rabbits, but it is important to introduce them properly and provide enough space for each rabbit to have their own territory. Some female rabbits may be territorial and aggressive towards other females, so it is not a guarantee that they will get along. It is always recommended to monitor their interactions and be prepared to separate them if necessary.

What rabbits get along?

Rabbits generally get along best with other rabbits of the same sex, especially if they have been spayed or neutered. It is important to properly introduce rabbits slowly to each other to minimize chances of aggression. It is best to avoid housing rabbits with other types of pets due to potential conflicts.

Do rabbits have to get neutured?

While it is not mandatory for rabbits to be neutered, it is highly recommended for various reasons. Neutering can prevent health issues, reduce aggressive behavior, control overpopulation, and improve the quality of life for rabbits.

What happens if you put two male rabbits and one female together?

The male rabbits will probably fight and possibly kill each other. They quite possibly will neuter each other. No rabbits should be caged together. Rabbits are very territorial and need their own space. The female WILL also get tired of being bugged by males and can turn on them and fight the male also sometimes castrating (or neutering) the males which is why you should watch your rabbits when you are attempting to breed them.

Two one year old rabbits been together one female the other male the female has just died will the male frett?

You just have to give him lots of love and attention and he should be fine, sorry to hear about your rabbit i have two rabbits a boy and a girl also and the boy is in the hospital

Can you place two female rabbits in the same cage?

It's generally not recommended to house two female rabbits together unless they are spayed. Female rabbits can be territorial and may fight, especially if they are not bonded. It's best to introduce rabbits slowly and monitor their behavior before cohabiting them.

Can you keep goats and rabbits together?

you can not keep two males together