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Q: Can you have horses in the same barn as pigs?
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Related questions

What lives in barn?

Sheeps, horses, cows, pigs, chickens, roosters, turkeys and more.

What animals eat out of a eating trough?

Barn animals such as horses, pigs, etc.

Where do horses live in Nevada?

the same place they do in South Carolina ... in a barn !

What do horses drink from the barn?

The box-like thing that animals eat out of, probably only at farms and such, are called troughs

Why do horses and pigs smell the same?

Horses smell like alfalfa and pigs smell like mud. (my opinion) Everyone has their own opinion of how animals smell.

What are different kinds of barn animals?

Well a horse is usually kept in a barn. Same with sheep, cows, goats, pigs, ducks, geese and other animals like that.

House of pigs?

Barn or sty.

Why is it better for pigs to stay in the barn?


Do pigs grow tusks while staying in a barn?

no not in a barn. only in the wild .

What are horses habtat?

A barn

Do horse live in barn?

Yes horses live in barn.

Where do pigs like to sleep?

on hay in a barn