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Clindamycin is an antibiotic used to treat soft tissue, dental, and bone infections. Your veterinarian would have to give you the correct dose.

The wrong dose, or if your dog is intolerant of this medication could lead to watery diarrhea, or diarrhea that has blood in it.

Clindamycin should not be given to dogs that are on certain medications (both prescription and over-the-counter medications), or if the dog has kidney disease, liver disease, colitis, Asthma, eczema, or allergic skin reactions.

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Q: Can you give your dog clindamycin for infections?
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Can you give your dog human clindamycin?

A dog can take Clinidamyacin, but the amount he can have determines on his size. A prescription can be given for dogs with infections.

What is ic clindamycin hcl used to treat?

Clindamycin hydrochloride is an antibiotic used to treat various bacterial infections such as pneumonia, skin infections, and infections of the respiratory tract, abdomen, and female reproductive organs. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.

Can a dog take clindamycin HCL 150 mg?

Dogs can take clindamycin, but the dosage will vary depending on the weight and condition being treated. It is important to consult a veterinarian before giving any medication to a dog to ensure the correct dosage and administration.

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What antibiotics are used primarily to treat tooth infections?

Clindamycin, amoxicillin and Biaxin.

Is Clindamycin HCL used in treating prostate infections?

Clindamycin HCL is not typically used as a first-line treatment for prostate infections. Antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, or tetracyclines are more commonly prescribed for prostate infections. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What is clindamycin 300mg used for?

Clindamycin is used for serious infections where Penicillin may not work like severe tooth abcess. It is a stronger alternate to Amoxicillin .

What is a cream recipe which addresses yeast bacterial and fungal dog ear infections?

You should take your dog to a vet and have the vet give you some medication for your dog, possibly Otomax Ointment, that will kill any Fungal and/or Bacterial based ear infections.

Will condamycin relieve tooth pain?

There is no drug called Condamycin. Assuming that you mean Clindamycin, it is an antibiotic that is used to treat bacterial infections such as acne and malaria. Yes, Clindamycin can relieve tooth pain caused by a bacterial infection.

Can your 8 year take clindamycin?

That would be something to discuss with the doctor. Clindamycin, an antibiotic, is used to treat infections of the respiratory tract, skin, pelvis, vagina, and abdomen. Antibiotics will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. and your not allowed to miss a dose because of the side effects but back to the organelle questen no they cant

Is it safe to give a dog Keflex?

So long as your veterinarian has prescribed it, yes it is safe for your dog. Keflex is the trade name of cephalexin, a common cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat minor infections such as skin or ear infections in dogs.

Can you give a dog zithromax?

Yes. Azithromycin (the generic name of Zithromax) is an appropriate antibiotic for certain infections in dogs. You should not just give your Zithromax to your dog, however. Always get the proper dosage from your veterinarian.