You can never give a animal human medication without first consulting the Veterinarian. A lot of human medications contain ingredients which are toxic to Dogs. In regard to human medication which isn't toxic to the dog (or cat), the doseage may be too high which can result in collapse and convulsions. So please contact your Vet before administering medication.
My dog has allergies and the vet told me to give her a childrens dose but I would imagine it would depend upon the weight of the dog.
No, this would be a very high dose. Call your veterinarian and ask how much Benadryl to give your dog.
The standard benadryl (diphenhydramine) dose for a dog is 1 milligram (1mg) per pound every 8-12 hours. For example a 25 pound dog could get 25mg of benadryl two to three times per day. This can cause drowsiness. if your dog is too sleepy after dosing you can give 1/2 a dose. I am not a veterinarian and I recommend that you never give any medication (even over the counter medication like benadryl) without first consulting a veterinarian.
yes you can give your dog benadryl along with the antibiotics(clavamox) but only give baby benadryl starting with half of the regular dose indicated for babies. if you are not seeing any changes in your dogs behavior (seems a bit more sluggish than normal) wait until it is time for the next dose and give the full amount.
That depends on how many milligrams of diphenhydramine are in each teaspoonful of the liquid, why you're giving the Benadryl, and whether or not your dog is receiving any other medications. Contact your Vet. He/she will know the correct dose for your pet.
can diabetic take benadryl
A dog should be give only regular strength Benadryl. For a small dog, it' probably easier to give it the liquid children's formula. The standard dose is one milligram for every pound given twice daily. So for your 14 pound dog, give 12-14 milligrams, twice a day. (If the lesser dose works, all the better!)
The better question is, how do you know that your dog is having an Anaphylactic reaction?
Absolutely not. Ambien can kill a dog, and a small dog can be killed more quickly by it. Never give an animal a medicine meant for a human unless you have a prescription from a veterinarian specifically for that animal. You can give a dog BABY Benadryl, the liquid kind might work best. But remember that the dose must be MUCH lower for a dog than for a human, even an infant if the dog is a small dog. It is best to ask a veterinarian what exact dose to give the dog.