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Of course you cant it is only for HUMANS if your dog needs calcium you can get some tablets to put in his food. you could make your dog SERIOUSLY ill.

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Q: Can you give your dog Calcium Citrate plus d for humans?
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Hi, I work for Bluebonnet. The Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate Plus Vitamin D3 is best taken in the morning (1 TBSP) and at night (1 TSBP). The body can only absorb 400 to 600 mg of elemental calcium at a time - that is the reason for splitting the serving size (i.e., 2 TBSP) plus, calcium taken at night helps to support sleep. Regards, R&D Director

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The word equation for the reaction between calcium and hydrochloric acid is: calcium + hydrochloric acid → calcium chloride + hydrogen gas.

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Calcium chloride is neutral, so charge = 0.

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You have answered the question for yourself. Calcium + Chlorine = Calcium chloride. The BALANCED reaction equation is Ca(s) + Cl2(g) = CaCl2(s)