Just let it be and give it plenty of water. The marijuana will eventually work its way out of the cats system. Hope this helped. ;)
Marijuana does not physically take the pain away. It will, however, make you forget about the pain and help you sleep.
You have to ask the vet for that. Cats are very sensitive and especially kittens. The reason they are in pain can also play a role.
Yes, it is a pain reliever.
In California and some other states of the U.S doctors are allowed to give medical marijuana for anxiety, insomnia, back pain, cancer and many other diseases that do not need to be proven and only claimed by the patient
Get a fake prescription for pain and hopefully there will be a chance you will be prescribed marijuana, and give a reason for you not wanting the smokeable form. If you didn't know, this only works in certain parts of California
You can use marijuana as a pain killer. If you have glaucoma, it reduces the pressure in your eyes.it can be used to be a pain killer with cancer patients in chemo, & it can help with back pain, etc.
Marijuana has two categories. They are Indica strains or Sativa strains. Indica does help with pain especially in conjuction with prescription opiates. It gives the mellow relaxed high. Sativa strains give more of an energy high.
Nothing over the counter or approved for human use - these pain medications can be fatal to cats. However, you can ask your veterinarian to recommend or prescribe a pain medication to help alleviate the pain associated with arthritis. There are also potential adjunct treatments that may be of benefit.
glaucoma or back pain
Pain relief.
The active ingredient in Motrin is Ibuprofen, and Ibuprofen can be toxic to cats. It is best to take your kitty to the vet if it is in pain, so the matter can be properly treated and the vet can give your cat safe pain medication.