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Q: Can you give calicaid drops recommended for small infants for colicpain and flatulence to your rabbit?
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What feeding practices is recommended for preterm infants?

The feeding practice of on-demand feeding is recommended for preterm infants. Either breast milk or formula should be fed when the baby seems hungry.

What diseases does fennel treat?

Indigestion, flatulence, colic in infants, coughs, common cold, eye irritations, lactation problems, intestinal problems, lack of appetite.

How is coarctation of the aorta treated?

Drugs can be used to treat the hypertension and heart failure. Surgery is recommended for infants with other, associated cardiac defects and for those infants not responding to drug therapy

What age is recommended to switch infants from homoginized milk to two percent milk?

14-18 month.

Can a baby drink Coca-Cola?

Due to the caffeine content, cola products are not recommended for infants or toddlers (or even young children).

How much calcium should you give to your baby?

Stick with recommended formula for infants and then switch to whole milk when appropriate, I believe at 1 year of age.

Are different peices of kitchen toys dangerous for certain age grows?

Some of them are which is why it is usually recommended for ages 2 and up. Infants should not be allowed to play with them.

What is the recommended amount of sleep for youths?

It is often reffered to that youth need more sleep than infants but a healthy 8 hours of sleep a night is a great minimum.

Is iron found in milk?

Cow's milk can contain very small amounts of iron. According to studies, cow's milk can actually cause iron deficiency, which is why it is not recommended for infants.

Is it safe or even recommended to use electric blankets around young children?

Children will be fine around electric blankets, but shouldn't be used around infants who could overheat.

Can you breastfeed your husband?

No, breastfeeding is a biological function intended for feeding infants. It is not recommended or safe for adults to engage in breastfeeding for non-medical reasons.

Why does peanuts harm infants?

I don't believe peanuts harm infants but the harm while breast-feeding is, in some countries where peanuts aren't a regular dietary staple, it is not recommended to eat high allergen foods. Eating peanuts/peanut butter while breast-feeding may cause the child to have an allergic reaction it.