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no not neccesarily unless you let him like you on the face or anywhere could be a danger im taking a college course on this but it can not be transmitted thourgh air but doctor if this is happening to you i reccomend seeing a doctor. hope this is helpful to you guys. :)

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Q: Can you get rabies if your dog is diagnosed with rabies?
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Can rabies be caused by dog bite if the dog is not injected by anti-rabies?

Rabies can only occur if your dog is not vaccinated against rabies and if the dog that bit your dog has rabies. If it does not have rabies then your dog will not have rabies. But if you're still in doubt, see your Veterinarian.

Can a dog get rabies from being in the sun?

No. A dog can only get rabies from contact with a rabies-infected animal.

Should a dog have a rabies booster shot when bitten by a coyote?

Because the rabies shot is a live virus, no. This could increase the rate of your dog getting sick from rabies. Get your dog tested, then if it has rabies, get it rabies injections.

Can you get rabies from kissing a dog that has rabies?

No. However, if the dog has rabies, it probably isn't going to sit there and not bite you if you do so.

Which disease is caused by bite of a mad dog?

a lot of diseases spread from dog saliva going into the bite the dog could hav rabies

Can a dog get rabies from its poop?

Probably not, if it does not have rabies why would it's poop have rabies?

What does a dog have that is contagious to a human?

A dog can have certain diseases such as rabies so if a dog happens to bite you, you may get rabies.

Does a puppy have more rabies than a dog?

In my opinion no, because puppies get rabies only if an infected dog bites them; so if anything a dog has more rabies then a puppy.

If a dog is bitten by an infected dog can she get rabies?

I have the same problem my dog bit and killed an outside rat.. I don't know if the rat had rabies but i want to know if my dog can get rabies from biting it

What kind of diseases can you get from your dog?

The main disease passed on from dog to man is rabies.

If a dog has rabies and bites anything it sees will it get rabies?

Not exactly. If the thing a rabid dog bites is inorganic or non-mammalian then it won't get rabies.

What are some ways dogs get rabies?

a dog can get rabies by another animal that has rabies biting him.