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Yes, Siberian cats shed cat dander, which can cause Allergies in humans.

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Q: Can you get an allergic reaction from Siberian cats?
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What can bring you relief if you suffer from an allergic reaction to cats?

If suffering from an allergic reaction to cats, one may take over the counter drugs such as, Claritin. If the reaction is severe, then one may want to see a doctor.

Which cat is best for somebody with allergies?

If you have an allergic reaction to dandruff and or fur the best cat you would want to get is a Siberian Cat. I know it sounds weird but check out google and type in "cat without dander." Answer If someone has allergic reactions to cats it's usually because of cats saliva. Cats spend most of their time grooming themselves that their saliva gets and clings on their fur. So people with allergies to cats are not allergic to the cats fur, but to their cats saliva. I suggest to a person with allergies to cats to get a Spynx ( a hairless breed of cat) or an American Shorthair. These are the best breeds of cats for people who have allergies.

What cats to own if you are allergic to their saliva?

Balinese, Oriental Shorthair, Javanese, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Siberian, and Sphynx. :)

Can cats be allgeric to fleas?

Yes! My friend who lives up the road has two cats and one of them is allergic to fleas. He licks his fur so much it drops off. That is his allergic reaction.

What is Niall Horan allergic to?

He is said to be allergic to cats.

Are people who are allergic to household cats allergic to big cats?

Yes, I'm prety sure of that. Peolple who are alergic to cats are allergic to any cats!

What are these redish-brownish spots on my cats belly and legs?

they are probably an allergic reaction from a flea bite. sometimes, a cat will have an allergic reaction when the flea's saliva gets on the cats skin, causing a spot. this could be it, but i would take your cat to a vet to see if it is serious or something that will just go away after time.

Can cats eat dandilions?

Well yes, but if you think a cat might have an allergic reaction then no. And I wouldn't really recommend dandelions as a daily meal.

Will you be allergic to cocker spaniel as you are allergic to cats?

Not necessarily; some people are only allergic to cats or dogs and not both. Not necessarily; some people are only allergic to cats or dogs and not both.

Can a person have an allergic reaction to camphor?

Yes, a person can have an allergic reaction to camphor. I myself am allergic.

What triggers an allergic reaction?

Allergents are antigens that cause an allergic reaction

Is it possible for a person with asthma and is allergic to cats to live with cats?

Its really not reccommended to live with cats if you're allergic to them, and have asthma. Although, it just really depends how allergic you are to them.