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There is only one way to get a venereal disease and it isn't from dog bites or scratches.

VD is only contracted from human to human

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Q: Can you get an STD from a dog bite or scratch?
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Can a shrew hurt a dog?

A shrew's bite or scratch might make a dog think "ow" but not a lot beyond that.

Which part of the body does the dog bite infection effect?

to the leg its just small scratch

Can a scratch in the skin by a dog bite needs vaccination?

Depends. Is it a stray or a strange dog you have never seen before? Then yes just to be safe.

Is it normal for a dog to scratch and bite his mates vaginal area before mating?

Ah I have no clue that's why I asked you

Why is my dog trying to bite me when I scratch my foot?

He/she's probably just trying to get you to play. Or he/she is trying to be dominant; it all depends on the dog's body language.

Can an animal with claws scratch or bite you?

Not all. Like cat's don't bite they only scratch.

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My dog does it because his allergies make him itch like crazy, if I were you, I would take your dog to the vet, it could be a rash.

Do cockroaches scratch with their spiny legs?

no they will bite maybe but not scratch.

Why do they have to hold you down?

So he does not bite, or scratch.

When A tiger attacks someone to eat or in defense what body parts do go for and do they bite scratch or both?

A attacks someone on the neck. They both bite and scratch.

Do tape worms make dogs scratch and bite at their tails?

They can - passing the worms can be irritating, which most dogs would respond to by trying to scratch or bite their tails. More likely, your dog may have another type of parasite such as fleas (which tend to accumulate around the tail head) or lice. If the irritation persists, or your dog's tail starts bleeding or scabbing over, I would suggest taking him to the vet for an examination.

When was Dog Bite Dog created?

Dog Bite Dog was created on 2006-08-17.