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Since you can get a rash from human urine (think diaper rash) - yeah you can get a rash from dog urine but a brief exposure usually won't be enough unless you are allergic to something the dog ate.

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Q: Can you get a rash from dog urine?
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No statistics have been kept on the number of battery chickens that get urine rash, but it seems like few of them would, as the cages have openings that allow urine to drain freely.

How can you help your dog get cured of its rash?

Depends on what kind of rash it is. If it is an irritation rash, then check the fur. There might be burrs or an insect. If it is an insect rash, then ask your vet to find out what insect bit your dog.

How do get rid of a rash on your stomach in 3 days?

Urine works in 1 hour

How do you treat a rash on a dog without a prescription drug?

depends on what kind of rash it could be a yeast infection call a vet and discuss the nature of the rash.

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no not at all!!

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Urine is highly acidic. Your skin is probably sensitive to it.

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( 🐶 ) Dog Medicine

Can people do the urine with dogs bladder?

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Why does a male dog lick a female dog's urine?

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