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You can, yes. You can also try mixing some Kitten Milk Replacer (KMR) in with the water to try and entice the kitten to drink more.

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Q: Can you feed your kitten water from a syringe as it won't drink she is 5 wks old?
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You can syringe feed the kitten. For more information visit

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We are raising a baby now - without much info. We feed him hamburger and water (with a syringe) He fell out of his nest. So far into 4 days he is doing well.

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No no no no no. If they breath in water they will get pneumonia. Water can very easily get into their lungs, and if a kitten gets water in their lungs it is all over. ALSO Be very careful if you have to feed them with a syringe Let them lick the syringe end don't put it in their mouth unless they go for it, then you must let as little out as possible. No rushing feeding kittens, this also leads to pneumonia.

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Letting the mother suckle her kittens is far better. However, if the mother for some reason cannot or will not feed the kittens, then it is perfectly safe to feed the kittens Kitten Replacer Milk with either a bottle or a syringe if its struggling to feed.

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Cats are not made to drink milk. Except only when they are very young and they get the milk from their mother. So I advise you not to feed milk to cats; only water.

Should I feed a kitten water?

I wouldn't "feed" it water, but you could give it a little bit of food and put some water in the same bowl to soften it up since it is still a baby!

What would you feed your baby ferrets if they didnt feed of milk from their mothers?

One of our ferrets, Mordechai, was successfully hand-reared by the partner of the man who bred him using a syringe and commercial kitten milk. He's a big healthy hob now, just past his second birthday.

Can you feed a kitten turkey?

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