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No absolutely not. Go to the pet store and buy milk replacer for puppies. It is just like human baby formula, made for their sensitive stomachs.

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Q: Can you feed your 3 week old puppy 2 percent cows milk?
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Can you feed a puppy milk and water?

You can feed a puppy water and maybe milk.

Can you feed buffalo milk to puppy?

you shouldn't feed it milk as the puppy get diarrhea and has chances to die

Why do cows have milk?

To feed their baby.

How do you get 8 week old puppy on cows milk?

You can"t give a puppy cows milk (unless you want throw up and poo all over your house) cause its not good for their stomach.

Why cows give milk?

Cows give milk to feed their young, but humans like it so we drink it too.

Can you feed a rejected baby rabbit cows milk?

No. No baby rabbits, orphaned or not, should be fed cows milk.

Can you feed 3 week puppy milk?

A previous person answered, "yes," but I do not agree. What kind of milk are you talking about? If you are talking about cow's milk, then NO. Dogs do not digest cows milk the same way that humans do. I recommend never giving a dog milk that is not meant for a dog. The puppy should nurse from the mother until at least 6 weeks. If something happens that makes this impossible, you can purchase puppy formula from a pet store.

Is cow milk suitable for a two week old German Shepard?

NO! Cows milk could kill a puppy that young. Ciows milk has VERY high levels of Protein in it which could cause constipation or sickness. Goats milk is far better for a puppy which is being hand fed. Mothers milk is best unless she has rejected the puppy then I HIGHLY suggest goats milk over cows. Using cows milk is the boggest muck up a novice breeder can do.

How do Frisian cows get rid of there milk in the wild?

The reason cattle produce milk in the first place is to feed calves, not to feed people. Frisian cows in the wild--if such they be--"get rid of" their milk by letting calves suckle it.

What milk can you feed a baby chipmunk?

kitten or puppy formula

Can you feed a nursing puppy powdered milk replacement for kittens?


What do you feed a puppy once it is taken from its mother?

You feed it Puppy milk and Bakers Puppy Food with a hint of water MAKE SURE THE TYPE OF FOOD IS FOR PUPPIES THOUGH