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You can feed a puppy water and maybe milk.

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Q: Can you feed a puppy milk and water?
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you shouldn't feed it milk as the puppy get diarrhea and has chances to die

What do you feed a puppy once it is taken from its mother?

You feed it Puppy milk and Bakers Puppy Food with a hint of water MAKE SURE THE TYPE OF FOOD IS FOR PUPPIES THOUGH

Should you give 4 week old puppy's water if they're on puppy formula and not the mothers milk?

No,wait till they're about 6 weeks old.That is when I started to feed my puppy regular food and water and she too,was not on mother's milk.

What to feed 5 week old puppy milk or warm water soft food?

You can feed both. Since he is just 5 weeks, he will need some raw diet as well as milk. A variety of food is recommended, particularly breed specific puppy chow.

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kitten or puppy formula

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What do you feed a motherless puppy at 3 weeks?

Very carefully. i think that you should feed the puppy milk but to make sure what you should really feed a motherless puppy take it to a vet doctor or call one and they can tell you the right thing to feed your puppy! so take care with what you feed the puppy before you take the puppy to a vet

What should you feed your 6 week old pit?

puppy milk

How do you get your three week old puppy to eat?

A new puppy is as needy as a new baby. It is important you feed them properly to protect their health and encourage their health. You should feed a puppy only puppy food unless directed by your vet.

How do you feed a Yorkshire puppy?

Well, they are supposed to feed on the moms nipples, which they suck and get milk from. but you can bottle feed them, like a baby.

How do you get a puppy that won't drink from it's mother to feed?

soak puppy food in a bowl of water for about 10-15 min until it its soft and feed them that.

How long the mother feed with milk her puppy's?

Until the pups are three weeks