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Yeah but it would be sick.

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Q: Can you eat peanut butter when the dogs have licked the spoon?
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Related questions

Is peanut butter poisonus to dogs?

no, peanut butter actually a good treat for dogs.

Can small dogs under 15 pounds eat peanut butter?

Yes all dogs can eat peanut butter.

Is there peanut butter in hot dogs?


Can chocolate labs have peanut butter?

Dogs in general should not be given peanut butter or chocolate.

What happens when you give a dog peanut butter?

Dogs love peanut butter. Most people will put peanut butter in a Kong so it takes the dog a long time to get the peanut butter out. It keeps the dog busy.

Can great danes eat peanut butter?

Dogs of all breeds should generally not consume peanut butter.

Can dogs eat peanutbutter?

Yes, dogs can eat peanut butter in moderation. It can be a tasty treat for them, but make sure it does not contain xylitol, a sweetener that is toxic to dogs. Additionally, be mindful of their overall diet and calorie intake when giving them peanut butter.

Is peanut butter poisio nous to dogs?


Can chihuahuas get sick from eating peanut butter?

Yes. Dogs should not ingest peanut butter, it is not good for any breed of dog.

Can peanut butter cause bladder stones in dogs?

Peanut butter itself is not likely to cause bladder stones in dogs. However, some peanut butters contain added ingredients like sugar or xylitol which may not be suitable for dogs and could potentially impact their bladder health. It is always best to stick to natural and unsweetened peanut butter when feeding it to your dog.

Why do dogs keep flicking their tongue when given peanut butter?

Dogs keep flicking their tongue because they are trying to get rid of the peanut butter stuck to the roof of their mouth. Peanut butter is a very sticky substance and can easily get stuck on the roof of a dog's (and human's) mouth,

Does peanut butter help dogs get buff?

no. it will make them fat