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Yes just simply use a hammer.

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Q: Can you break a window to get a dog out of a hot car?
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What to do when you have to leave your dog in the car?

Don't bring your dog with you.... you will get arrested if you leave an animal in a car by itself. Actually, it is fine to leave your dog in the car for a little while. If you making a quick trip to the store or something. But roll down the window a little so they have some air. And don't leave you dog in the car on a hot day.

How do you fix a frozen car door?

Do NOT pour hot water on a frozen car door, your window will definitely not make it! Cold window in frozen car door+hot water=broken window. Try taking your ice scraper and actually prying the door along the seal to get it to pop open.

Why do car windows break when it gets really hot out?

This usually happens with older cars, the glass isn't as strong as new glass is and cant stand the heat so it causes it to burst cracking and breaking the window

Why would someone want to use a car window shade?

A person would want to use a car window shade to keep the vehicle from getting too hot. A person would also want to use a car window shade to keep the sun off a child.

Why do car windows fog up?

well it could be because of the heat. if its cold out and you have the heat on in the car, then you will get hot and that will cause the window to fog.

Mickey Mouse hot dog hot dog lyrics?

Hot dog! (Hot dog) Hot dog! Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog Now we got ears, it's time for cheers Hot dog, hot dog, the problem's solved Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog Grab my boots and a sandwich Let's start a parade Get the coconut drum kit For Daisy to play Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog We're taking off, we're dancing now Hot dog, leapfrog, and holy cow Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog It's a brand new day Whatcha waiting for? Get up, stretch out, stomp on the floor Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog We're splitting the scene We're full of beans So long for now from Mickey Mouse (That's me!) And the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Why do dogs pant in summer?

Cause there very hot so if you have a dog in the summer don't let it get too hot like on Martha speaks when the dog omost dies in the car

What would happen to a can of soda left in a car window closedon a sunny day?

It would get hot. Nothing else

Can dogs melt?

If it gets hot enough yes. If for example you left your dog in the car with all the windows up on a hot summer day your dog would eventually melt from the heat.

What is jumbo hot dog?

it's a big hot-dog but hot-dog are smaller than jumbo hot-dog

Why are sausages sold in packs of 5 and hot dogs in packs of 10?

Because most likely someone will eventually break a hot dog bun or two

How can i make my car window stay up?

Get a hot glue gun, glue the top, then inject hot glue into the bottom inside seam. That will hold, for awhile anyways.