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Only dwarfs can live together. Syrians are solitary and will fight (sometimes to the death)

Kayti xx


Not true. i currently have 3 syrians living together with no problems. maybe I'm just lucky but they haven't fought once.

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13y ago
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12y ago

It depends on the type of hamster. Syrian hamsters are always solo animals, a lot of the dwarf species are social, but even then it is advisable to get them as an established group (part or all of the same litter) rather than try and introduce two unrelated males as there is a high risk of fighting between the two.

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14y ago

It depends on the type of hamster. Syrian hamsters shouldn't be put together with either males or females. Most types would be fine together, providing they don't fight each other. In this case they should be separated.

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11y ago

NO NEVER! Male hamsters are to territorial they will fight for dominance and kill each other. Never put male hamsters together. It just doesn't work.

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10y ago

No! Male hedgehogs will fight, sometimes to the death.

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14y ago

Please, PLEASE tell me you are joking?

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12y ago

yes i don't see why not

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Q: Can two male rats live together?
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Yes, some rats can live together. There are certain types of rats that dont like to live with each other. If you want 2 rats in the same cage, i would recommend getting 2 rats from the same species. Liek if your going to get a dumbo dwarf rat. You should get another dumbo dwarf so they live good with each other.

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No. Most male animals don't live well together.

Can two rats be in the same cage?

If two brothers are kept together from birth it is unlikely that they will fight with any dramatic effects. They will have the occasional scuffle, but this is for dominance and one usually gives in before there is blood shed. In my experience (and i bred rats for the local pet shop for ten years) male rats will not live together too peacefully if they are strangers being introduced to each other after they are about 12 weeks old...although depending on the individual temperament of the rats they may come to tolerate each other. i prefer to keep two male rats together, as opposed to keeping them separate (they are social animals and need company) and i prefer male rats to female rats as they are usually more docile and easier to tame. And there are obvious problems to keeping a male and female rat together. When getting a rat, it is the best option to purchase two brother rats together.

Can a female and male beta live together?

yes but there has to be two females and one male. two males can not live together and one female and a male cant live together because all the male want is to get with them.also if u have a filter the eggs if they mate will not survive. hope this helped.

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well, it depends what type of snakes they are...

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no they should not live together as often this results in fighting and sometimes death, please do not do this.

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Yes but feed separately.

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Well, in my experience my two male red- eared sliders get along pretty well. Sometimes they will fight for food.

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whichever your most comfortable having - But two males are more likely to fight than two females, unless they have been brought up together! :D

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No unless interaction from a male rat (such as getting a rat that is about to have babies). two female rats can not have babies

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there are two answers to this one. Two rats of the same sex will live together and most often not have any real fights. As long as there is space for them to be happy there wont be any problems. two females will bond very nicely with each other and with you if you interact with them often enough. A pair of males will be fine together given that you get them both young. The second part of this answer is that a male and female can be kept together, but just know that they will make little baby rats. Lots and lots of them in a short amount of time. some females will not however let the male live with her after she has been bred. she will sometimes harass him and have violent fights with him that can result in one or both of them getting seriously hurt. in extreme cases the female will castrate the male with her teeth rather than be bred.

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No you cannot, only if you are breeding them and the female has eggs. Otherwise the male will eventually kill the female. 2 females can live together.