Well,the girl guinea pig will choose a boy because they will be all over here and then get pregnent.Maybe she can get pregnant by diffrent male guinea pigs but i think it is unlikely.
I have a boy guinea pig and mine is very nice. Guinea pigs like people have personalities. Boy guinea pig arent really any "nicer" than girl guinea pig, some might be, but boys are have more energy the girl piggys and are more outgoing.
A boy would be the nicest because the girl gets the baby guinea pigs and is very sure that your trying to steal them or her... Girl is the correct answer
In general male guinea pigs are more aggressive than female guinea pigs, however, male guinea pigs also tend to be more outgoing and friendlier than females.
I myself own two girl guinea pigs. But i dont understand why they get along so well. I belive that it my just be that girls have no competition, because the competition is left to the boy guinea pigs. So, therefore, that is why girl guinea pigs get along better than boy guinea pigs.
how long done mating lasted with boy and girl guinea pigs
a guinea pig is also known as a Cavy also a boy is known as a boar, and a girl is known as sow.
boar, just like pigs
A girl guinea pig is easier to look after as they are less likely to bite you but male guinea pigs can be tamed although they are harder to tame!
There is no limit, assuming you have a big enough cage, to how many guinea pigs of different sexes and/or sizes you can physically put together. I am not sure if you will get baby guinea pigs out of it though.
My 2 6 month old boy guinea pigs sometimes fight a little bit but as long as there is no blood or serious cuts, they can live happily together