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Q: Can tigers move their ears in different directions?
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Related questions

What range of motion do horse ears have?

Horses are able to move their ears up and down and side to side. This helps them hear more clearly in different directions.

How do rabbits know how to individually move their ears?

Rabbits have over a dozen muscles in their ears which allow them to move them independently in different directions. This gives them the ability to pinpoint the source of a sound or convey their emotions through ear movements. Additionally, rabbits have excellent hearing and rely on ear movements to stay alert to potential dangers in their environment.

Why do rocks move in different directions?

Rocks can move in different directions due to various factors such as wind, water flow, gravity, and geological processes like tectonic activity or landslides. These external forces can shift rocks in ways that lead to their movement in multiple directions.

Why do fishes move in different directions?

All directions.

What directions do the particles move when water turns into ice?

Different directions, they just move slower until they stop and then you have ice.

Why do constellations seem to move in different directions?

They don't - why do you think they do?

Do People move in straight lines in Gymnastics?

Not necessarily . Gymnast's move in all different directions .

How do you make your ears move?

To make your ears move you need to think,''I can move my ears, I can move my ears, I know I can!'' Really hard. Then just look to your left and try to move your eyebrowns then your ears will move!!! Belive me it works.

How many mucels does a horse have in each ear?

Horses have around 10-12 muscles in each ear, allowing them to move their ears in different directions to better detect sounds and communicate with others.

What causes ocean currents to move in different directions in different hemispheres?

North and South poles

Does the weather move fom west to east?

The weather moves in different directions in different locations.

Why does patterns in the sky move in a different direction?

There are different 'layers' of air at different heights and these can be affected by different conditions causing them to move in different directions. This is sometimes referred to as 'shear' or 'wind shear' and is most noticeable when there are cloud formations in each layer which can be seen moving in different directions.