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Q: Can the river otters survive without water?
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What do river otters need to survive?

They need to have food (they prefer fish and crayfish, but eat what is available), water, and a good large habitat. river otters often die from pollution and/or loss of habitat.

Do otters live in fresh water?

There are both freshwater (river otters) and salt water otters.

Where do river otters nest?

Otters live in water, in dens or nests. In winter, when an otter's den or nest freezes over, the otter will look for a new river to live in. P.S. Otters nest's live on top of water or along river banks.

Do giant river otters camouflage?

Giant River Otters do camflage by hidind in dark areas on the surface of the water and under aswell.

Why does a river otter live in a river?

why do they live in rivers? because their river otters of course

Describe the rivers otters niche?

The river otters Niche is its living in a hole next to the river because it cannot live in water but can live near water for drinks and stuff.

Do river otters breathe oxygen in the air or the water?

No they do not. That's why they come up every once in a while. Mammals are animals that MUST breathe air to survive. All otters areammals

What non mammals live in fresh water?

River otters live in the shores of fresh water regions. River otters live on river shores. River otters hold there breath when going under water. They also use sticks and branches to build a dam in the water.

Giraffes can survive without water how?

Giraffes cannot survive without water

How can a human survive without water?

We cannot survive without water for three day

How can humans survive without water?

We cannot survive without water for three day

What would be the effect on the number of otters in this river if all the water insects died?

the otters would have nothing to eat and the whole food chain would get ruined