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Q: Can the father stay in the same cage as the babies and mothers?
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You have two female mice one has had a litter and the other one is pregnant can you keep the father of both litters all in the same cage?

not recommended as father will usually eat/kill either generation to make room in cage. babies/mother tend to squeeze out of cage just prior to this happening.

Can you put a mouse with babies in the same cage with another mouse with babies?

no they will fight, and some babies may die.

How do horses mother have babies?

Same way as human mothers

Can you breed dogs with the same father but different mothers and will AKC recognize them?

Can you breed dogs with the same father. But different mothers and will akc recognize them

Doe rabbit with babies pregnant again?

A mother rabbit can have two litters of bunnies at the same time I would suggest removing the father from the cage to prevent that from happening

Can the male mouse be with the mom when she has her babies?

No, the male mouse will harm the babies if they are not old enough. I left my male mouse in the same cage when my female had babies, what I found was that she would only go near the babies when it was feeding time, other than that my male ( the father ) was the one to protect then when people put their hands in the cage and he would sit on them to keeo them warm it was so cute, also good for the babies as he is the size on a small rat. xXx LostNHopeless

Will a male heghog kill his babies if their in the same cage?

in some conditions it might by estherbella*

Can mice have babies on their own?

As long as there is one male mouse and one female mouse in the same cage there will most likely be babies.

What do you call 2 babies born on the same date and time that have different mothers but have the same father?

Nope - they would be 'step sisters' even if they were born at the same time. Twins would have to be born to the same mother.

What happens if you hold or touch a baby hamster when it is 12 days old?

if you touched it by hand then you will then have to take care of it yourself because the mom will reject it or eat it. to take care of it you will need a separate cage or something to keep it in. you will have to make hamster formula(i do not know how to make that.)keep it warm check on it every few hours. after you've made the formula you will have to put it into a small low wall bowl for the baby and refresh it everyday the baby will need your help to survive on its own until it is 2 weeks old. you will have to treat it like it is your own baby and make sure nothing is wrong with it.once the baby is then 2 weeks old. you will have to take the other babies from the mother and put them into a different cage from the mother the babies can go into the same cage for a while. but the cage will have to be big like a ferret cage. what you will have to do with the baby you have been taking care of is get a small box of the mothers bedding and rub the baby all in it and then put it into the new cage with the other babies. you have to do this so that the other babies don't attack it. this will make the baby smell like it cam from the mothers cage so the babies will think that it had been in the mothers cage the whole time.

Should a pregnant female mouse be separated from her cage mates?

Yes we had a pregnant mouse who was in a cage with 7 other female mice, so we put her in her own cage. When she has her babies, she will make a nest for them so make sure there is plenty of bedding. If you do not separate them the baby mice might be at risk, although a pregnant mouse can be kept in the same cage. If her babies are in the cage with other mice, she might nip and bite the mice to protect her babies though