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Yes. There are many reasons pasture breeding works well, however, many stallions who have not grown up in a herd environment may have to be introduced to mares cautiously.

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Q: Can stallions be safe to turn out with mares to breed?
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Stallions can be safe to turn out with mares to breed True or false?

For howrse, false.

Are stallions safe to turn out with mares to breed?

Yes, as long as they are the only male in with the mares. Well, no it isnt. Because the mare may be hurt by the stallion and the owners might not know.true

Can stallions be safe to turn out with mares to be bred?

Nope! Very unsafe.

Can stallions be safe to turn out to breed with mares?

Yes horses have been 'loose' breeding for millions of years. Humans typically do hand covers to make it go faster and reduce risk to their stallions.

Is it safe for Stallions to be safe to turned out with mares to breed?

There are some dangers to this and is not advised with super valueable stallions. If you plan on turning him out with some mares, let them introduce themselves over a fence. If the mare doesn't try to kick the daylights out of him, and instead backs up to him to allow herself to be bred, then it is probably safe to turn the stud out with her.

Stalions can be safe to tern out with a mares to breed?

yes, you mean turn?

Stallions can be safe to turn out with mares to breed?

TrueIt's happen this way for many years before humans domesticated horses with little problems.EDIT BY maverick723:Actually, in some cases, it's False. Sure this has happened forever, but this question asks are they safe to TURN OUT? In the wild, they didn't have to turn each other out. Plus, most stallions and mares are separated in captivity, so more than one stallion could think of a mare as "theirs". Yet another problem is the fact that stallions get very crazy when they smell a mare in heat. He could easily injure her just because his hormones are raging out of control.HOWEVER, with other stallions, this is the easiest way to get the job done.FOR HOWRSE: True

Can stallions be safe to turn out when Mares breed?

True. It has been this way since the dawn of time They can, and it often ends without injury. But, there are dangers. Mares that aren't receptive to the stallion can kick and possibly injure the stallion. However, it is rare that this happens. The mare may kick, but it is normal for horses to be kicked. Rarely do they injure eachother. What I would do is introduce them over a fence, just like you would with a new horse. If the mare doesn't offer to kick, they should be safe to turn out. And an experienced stallion will know when to back off, so it's safer with an experienced stallion.

Test answers for riding level seven on howrsecom?

Possible Questions and Answers: 1. What gene is responsible for making a chestnut horse palomino?Cream 2. Which hormones help regulate a mares pregnancy and foaling? OxytocinProgesteroneEstrogen3. Mare gestation lasts about how many weeks? 454. What season is it common to breed mares? Spring5. Which bedding is it best to use when your mare is foaling? Straw6. There are 2 base color genes for horses, what are they? Black and Red7. How many vaccinations should mares have while they are pregnant? 38. Foaling usually takes several hours? False9. Stallions can be safe to turn out with mares to breed? False10. What does A.I stand for? Artificial Insemination11. What are some factors to consider before breeding your mare? All of these

How ponies protect themselve?

Ponies and horses are about the same thing. Only ponies are minerature horses, ponies for short, pardon the pun! Ponies and horses live in herds, with all mares, and one stallion. They live in about twenty or thirty mares. Bachelor stallions try to take the mares, and the stallion who leads the herd will preotect himself and his herd. The way he does this can be a violent way. They kick with their strong back hooves. They'll turn around and kick rear hooves. Or they will face the other horse head on and bite them. That is how a horse or pony pretects themself.

What is a male breeding horse called?

A male breeding horse is called a stallion. If they are kept from breeding they are called geldings. Colts become stallions when they turn 3 years old. Stallions are usually very hard to handle.

Whats a horses first instinct to do if its afraid?

Horses are ' flight or fight ' animals. Generally, their first instinct is flight, meaning they will more often choose to run than to stand and fight, HOWEVER, this can vary greatly, depending on many factors, including breed, gender, where they are raised, how much human interaction they receive, how they are treated, how much and what kind of training they receive and just basic individual personalities. Horses are much like people in that they each have a very unique personality. Some are born naturally more aggressive than others. Some are simply born more humble. Like people, their personalities are often shaped by many different factors. A horses breed is sometimes a indicator of its personality. For example, a Quarter Horse or a Morgan are generally valued for its laid back personality. An extreme example is the Gypsy Vanner. Gypsy Vanners absolutely MUST be gentle enough for even a small child to handle and ride or they cannot be registered as Gypsy Vanners. Aggression in that breed is absolutely not tolerated. Whereas, a Thoroughbred or a Standardbred may genetically be more "flighty" and spooky than some other breeds. A horses breeds can have a large influence on a horses behavior but since all horses have unique personalities, there is no 100% guarantee that a particular breed is better or calmer than another. Gender has a lot to do with a horses instincts. In the wild, stallions are protectors of the herd, therefore, stallions are much more prone to be more aggressive and fight than geldings or mares. In general, stallions are considered to be only for experienced handlers and riders. Even domesticated stallions, raised by humans all of his life can develop an aggressive personality. That's why there are laws in many states that prohibit stallions from being kept in a herd situation. Many states also have different laws on how a stallion must be kept contained, for instance, higher and more reinforced fences. Some stallions have given all stallions a bad wrap on being aggressive and in some case, downright mean or vicious. There are exceptions of course. Some stallions can be very docile and sweet and never exhibit any of what are considered to be 'standard' stallion behaviors. Mares are usually more docile than a stallion but that can vary and change as well. For instance, a mare may be more aggressive when she is in heat. Also, a mare who is typically very sweet and mild mannered may suddenly turn very protective and aggressive after giving birth and can sometimes be much more likely to 'fight', (nip, bite, turn their hindquarters to you and threaten to kick, etc.) in order to care for her baby. Geldings are generally considered to be the most even tempered and easy to get along with. So, even though the standard reaction of a horse is to run when they are afraid, ANY HORSE, whether stallion, gelding or mare, can turn aggressive, especially if they have been mistreated and no longer trust humans or if they find themselves ' backed into a corner ' and have no choice but to fight.