SKUNKS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? FOR PETS????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Are you out of your mind? Whoever put this question down must have no heart for animals! SKUNKS ARE NOT PETS, YOU DORK! Goodness.
Only After Good Sex ;)
Skunks can not see in the dark like cats do. They are most likely to hunt during the day.
Skunks are omnivorous. They eat plants and meat. So yes, you could feed them a cat...
descented albino skunks
I don't know, but good luck finding the answer!
Skunks are not blind, but they have poor eyesight. They primarily rely on their keen sense of smell and hearing to navigate their surroundings. Skunks have a good sense of hearing and can detect approaching threats by listening for sounds.
Yes they are, they are the best. They are so cute!
Skunks are very good climbers. Skunks can climb almost anything, including a chain link fence and any other type mesh fence.
Skunks live in the desert, woodlands, grassy plains, and suburbs. I found this answer at, then search STRIPED SKUNKS. Now thank you for your time and have a great day, afternoon, or evening! Good Bye 4 now!!!!!!
skunks because elaphants can hurt you more then skunks.
Yes, Especially here in Canada were skunks sometimes go on our backyard. Good thing there are pest control or Skunk removal here in Canada which is The Critter Guy because it really stinks and worried about my daughters health.