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No! It is best to use peroxide on a wound and better yet see your vet! It's possible a wound could get infected.

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They could die.

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Yes but they will explode.

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Q: Can rubbing alcohol be used on pets?
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What is green rubbing alcohol used for?

Green rubbing alcohol is used in the same ways that regular rubbing alcohol is used. It is used for first-aid like scrapes and cuts, but generally has additives like menthol oil to smell and feel tingly and minty.

What is rubbing alcohal?

Rubbing alcohol is denatured alcohol or isopropanol in water. It is used as a disinfectant or to sooth aching muscles. Alcohol is also used a cleaning agent.

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Is acetone a rubbing alcohol?

No, acetone is not a rubbing alcohol. Acetone is a common solvent used for cleaning and stripping certain materials, while rubbing alcohol is a mix of isopropyl alcohol and water used for disinfecting and sanitizing.

What is the compound symbol for rubbing alcohol?

The compound symbol for rubbing alcohol is C3H8O, which represents the chemical formula for isopropyl alcohol commonly used in rubbing alcohol.

What happens when you mix rubbing alcohol and glue?

There is no reaction, you simply get a mixture of rubbing alcohol and methanol.

How is rubbing alcohol and vinegar different?

Rubbing alcohol is a form of isopropyl alcohol used as a disinfectant or solvent, while vinegar is a weak acid made from fermentation of ethanol. Rubbing alcohol is more effective at disinfecting surfaces, while vinegar is commonly used for cooking, cleaning, and as a natural household cleaner.

What type of alcohol is used for cosmetic preservatives?

Standard rubbing alcohol.

Is witch hazel the same as rubbing alcohol?

No, witch hazel and rubbing alcohol are not the same. Witch hazel is a natural astringent derived from the witch hazel shrub, often used for skincare purposes. Rubbing alcohol, on the other hand, is a solution of isopropyl alcohol typically used as a disinfectant.

Will rubbing alcohol ruin a microsuede couch?

If used sparingly, especially in cases of using rubbing alcohol to clean a small stain, rubbing alcohol evaporates quickly enough to not cause damage to microsuede furniture.

Can rubbing alcohol be used to clean gym equipment?


What can be used to reduce the chance of an infection?

Rubbing alcohol