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Yes and the longer they get the chance the more rabbits you will find are having babies. If you put 2 boy rabbits together they cannot have babies together. Only if a boy rabbit is in the same cage as a girl rabbit. In some countries having many babies very quickly is called breeding like rabbits

Sibling rabbits that breed together will have an increased likelihood of having kits with birth defects and other problems. The more they are inbred he worse this problem becomes.

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No, they reach a peak at about 2 years and then go down hill. They will still produce but a normal size litter might be only 2 or 3.

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Q: Can rabbits out of the same litter have babies?
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How many babies do havana rabbits have?

All rabbits have a litter of 2-10 kits. However, all rabbits usually have 5 or 6 in a single litter.

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Did they come from the same litter?????

What are rabbits called from the same litter?

They are called:litter matesbrotherssisterskindlingkitsand/or kittens

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Do rabbits have early labor?

Rabbits do not experience early labor in the same way that humans or other mammals do. Rabbits typically give birth to a litter of babies all at once, and the process is relatively quick once it starts. Pregnant rabbits may dig a nest and prepare for giving birth, but they do not go through stages of labor like humans do.

How many babies can two rabbits have in one year?

The maximum number of rabbits that can be expected to live in any given litter is about 12. (Rabbits can have more, but having more than 12 survive is very unlikely.) Rabbits can have a maximum of 1 litter every 31 days, so the highest possible number is around 144. However, If all of the bunnies are in one area, the number could be much higher. If the first litter is born on the first of January, those babies will be breeding age by about mid May. So the true number of progeny that 2 rabbits could theoretically give rise to in a single year is well over 1,000. This is why it's important to know the gender of your pet rabbits.

What is a rabbits off spring?

A rabbit's offspring is called a litter. Rabbits are known for having large litters, typically ranging from 4 to 12 babies, though this can vary. Baby rabbits are called kits.

How often can rabbits have bunnies?

A female domestic rabbit CAN have babies every 30 days. They will rebreed the same day they deliver IF exposed to a buck. (I wouldn't recommend it) You are shortening the life of the rabbit and endangering the well being of the litter she is carrying as well as the well being of the litter she has just delivered.

2 babies are born on same day in the same hospital to the same parents and are not twins - how is this possible?

They are puppies, not humans. Puppies born to the same litter are considered litter mates, but not twins.

What does the word 'litter' mean if you are a rabbit?

Litter for a rabbit is the babies it gives birth to after being pregnant. Normally rabbits get from 3-12 kittens in every litter. Some rabbits like the Belgian Giant often only get one to two kittens in a litter. Other smaller rabbits can get up to 16-20 in some cases, but it is not normal for them all to live. 6-8 kittens may live and grow up, in some cases up to 10-12 but this is very rare.

Do rabbits have a lot of babies?

No, but she will have them very close together. -------------------------------------------------------- I am a zoologist of 15yrs. The first yr was spent on the study of rodents. e.g. their behaviour growth and breeding pattens. We found the following statement on the 3rd doe which was quite small and obviously would not of been able to cope with a large litter all at once. If the doe feels that there is not enough food for her or her brood or the litter will be too large for her to look after and protect all at once. She will melt half the litter into her insides and suspend their growth while the rest of the litter will grow normally and be delivered. When the doe feels that there is more food and the first half of her litter is doing well, she will allow the rest of the litter to continue to grow and give birth naturally. However this is not the case for every doe's.

Does rabbits have live babies?

Yes, rabbits are mammals. They have live babies.