

Can porcupines throw up

Updated: 12/8/2022
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13y ago

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pretty sure all animals can throw up

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Q: Can porcupines throw up
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How far can porcupines throw quills?

Porcupines do not throw their quills.

How far can porcupines throw there quills?

they dont shoot there quils

What are facts about the porcupines?

some interesting facts about porcupines is 1.when they are born their eyes are open a few days porcupines can climb up a tree 3.porcupines are nocturnal

Do cats eat porcupines?

No. Porcupines are too large for a snake to eat.

Do porcupines fight over other porcupines?

Yes technically speaking. Porcupines can do it for hours they just use their tail as a support, stand on their hind legs and throw left hooks, body shots, uppercuts BUT none of them make contact. Its basicaly a weird fake-fight mating dance

what do porcupines have on their backs?

spines look it up!

How tall do porcupines grow up to?

they r 1m

What do porcupines see?

porcupines see steff porcupines see steff

What is the plural possessive for porcupines?


How do porcupines get along?

they don't get along with us because they are scared of up

How does porcupines protect itself?

The porcupine protects itself from enemies by using the long, sharp quills on its back. It does not actually throw them, but pushes them into another animal to discourage it.

Were porcupines introduced to Australia?

There are no porcupines in Australia, nor have there ever been porcupines in Australia.