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While I'd never recommend leaving a pet unattended for that long, rabbits should be fine so long as you leave sufficient dry food (which won't spoil) and ABSOLUTELY make sure that there's sufficient water. Ideally, you'd have several separate water bottles available to ensure that a leak or faulty water dispenser doesn't cause the rabbits to die of thirst.

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13y ago
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13y ago

NO! your rabbit needs to be watched over all the time. the maximum days you can leave your rabbit unattended is 1 day.

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How many people own pet rabbits?

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, as of 2007 there were approximately 1.87 million households in the United States with a pet domesticated rabbit with 6.17 million total pet rabbits.

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Do pet rabbits purr?

No, rabbits do not have the ability to purr.

Where are all pet rabbits descened from?

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Why are rabbits not allowed in Queensland?

The rabbits that are currently a national pest in Australia are the same species as the domesticated rabbit, both descended from the wild European rabbit. Because so many people think of rabbits as a disposable pet, and some people irresponsibly abandon them on the streets or in the wild when unwanted, banning pet rabbits completely in portions of Australia is understandable. One unspayed rabbit can have an average litter of 4 every 30 days.

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