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Yes. Just like you can have different a different color hair then your brothers and sisters puppies can be different colors too because there are different gene combination possibilities.

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Q: Can one litter of puppies have two different colored puppies?
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Why are puppies in a litter different?

Because they are not identical to one another genetically, so they will be different.

When you dog has a litter of puppies how many does it have at once?

Dogs can typically have between 1 to 12 puppies in a single litter, but the average litter size is around 6 to 8 puppies. This can vary depending on the breed, size, and age of the dog.

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There can be 3 - 4 Boston Terrier puppies in a litter. my dog Emma though had five puppies in one of her litters.

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The largest number of puppies delivered in one single litter where all puppies survived is believed to be 24 puppies. This extraordinary event occurred in 2004 in the UK when a Neapolitan Mastiff gave birth to a healthy litter of 24 puppies.

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Usually 3-4 puppies per litter.12 puppies in one litter is the highest recorded though.

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It isn't common for a Boxer dog to have 12 puppies in one litter. On average, a Boxer will give birth to four to six puppies per litter.

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The world record for the most puppies to be born into one litter was 24.

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American Eskimos can have an average of 5 puppies in one litter.

How many parents can an litter of puppies have?

It depends if she had it with more than one.

How dangerous is it for a dohson to have 7 puppies in one litter?

shouldn't be dangerous. most dogs can have up to 15 puppies at one time

How many puppies in a lhasa apso litter?

I have had 7 puppies as a maiden (first) litter. I have known one female to have 9 puppies for each of the 3 litters she had. average is between 4 and 6, however it can be as little as 1 or 2 or as big as 10 or 12. It all depends on the female every dog is different.